Schmoll Modul Autoload 1 spindle Drilling and routing system , used

Hersteller/Manufacturer:                Schmoll Maschinen GmbH, Germany

Typ:                           MODUL, Dynamic drilling / routing center

manufactured in June 2023, S/N 16141
workingtime only 2950 hours, Spindle runtime 850 hours

Westwind T160
Drilling:  Ø 0,1 – 4 (6,3) mm
small slot routing
Speed: 20,000 –160,000 RPM
max. z travel : 30 mm
Panel Size:
Table size: 597mm * 660mm
Maximal and minimal width for loader and CBD modus: Minimum  315mm      Maximum 610mm
High dynamic linearmotor in X, Y and Z-Axes with Multi-X drive!
Massive granite with low coefficient of thermal expansion for high accuracy and long durability
The tooling plates each with high precision prism- and slot clamping and finely polished surface; pin diameter 3-5mm
drill head with vertical air bearing guidance in connection with single drive and servo motor
Toolchain for 2200 tools and intelligent tool managment
1 cooling system, with pump, cooling unit, ventilator, heating CFC reduced
1 air buffer for security of the air bearings and air bearing spindles.
3 high resolution linear measuring systems
1 exhauster pipe to be connected to central- or single suction.
CNC control Schmoll X30/S50 with following functions:
Graphical Operator Menu with pull-down menu’s



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We will be pleased to inform you about prices, delivery and installation.

Please contact us by  E-Mail: olemotz(at)

Posted in Laminieren, Mechanische Bearbeitung, Multilayer, Spezial, Unkategorisiert.