Orbotech Sprint 200 Manufactured: Sep. 2015 ideal for: single and double sided PCBs Multilayer and Multilayer-HDI High copper thickness PCBs IMS circuits Flexible PCBs More Information will follow We will be pleased to inform you about prices, delivery and installation. Please contact us by E-Mail: olemotz(at)pcb-olitec.de
weitere InformationenCategory Archives: Multilayer
Microcraft Emma Moving Probe Bare Board Tester, used
Emma Moving Probe Bare Board Tester The Microcraft EMMA ELX6146 High Speed/Accuracy fixtureless tester has the capability to test your PCB’s without the cost of expensive fixtures. Detects even the smallest of open traces, splits between trace & pad, buried, blind and micro-vias. Optimized test files can even detect breaks in via and plated through holes. Also detects network isolation, phase differences and other faults. More information will follow. We will be pleased to inform you about prices, delivery and installation. Please contact us by E-Mail: olemotz(at)pcb-olitec.de
weitere InformationenSchmoll MX1 160 S – 1spindle Autoload drillingsystem, used
Schmoll MX1 1spindle Autoload drillingsystem Schmoll MX 1 – 1 spindle autoload PCB Drilling-machine used Type: MX 1 -with 20 fold Loader mit SM 170 Spindle motor, Bohren Ø 0,1 – 6,35 mm, 15.000 – 170.000 RPM Toolchange – Chain with 2600 Toolpositions Toolingsystem high precision: pneumatic pin size 3 – 5mm Workingformat: Tablesize: 737mm * 714mm max and min width in the loader and CBD operation Min 245mm Max 615mm We will be pleased to inform you about prices, delivery and installation. Please contact us by E-Mail: olemotz(at)pcb-olitec.de
weitere InformationenNorth Star 2 Station Drilling, pinning and taping system, used
North Star 2 Station Drilling, pinning and taping system Type: Super Dual Drilling, pinning and taping system for PCB is a machine for drilling, pressing in registration pins and simultaneously taping circuit board packages Specifications: Pin size: 1/8” could be changed to 3mm if needed Pin length: max 19mm PCB Package thickness: 5-11 mm min. pcb package size: 350×350 mm max. pcb […]
weitere InformationenSchmoll Modul Autoload 1 spindle Drilling and routing system , used
Hersteller/Manufacturer: Schmoll Maschinen GmbH, Germany Typ: MODUL, Dynamic drilling / routing center manufactured in June 2023, S/N 16141 workingtime only 2950 hours, Spindle runtime 850 hours spindelmotor: Westwind T160 Drilling: Ø 0,1 – 4 (6,3) mm small slot routing Speed: 20,000 –160,000 RPM max. z travel : 30 mm Panel Size: Table size: 597mm * 660mm Maximal and minimal width for loader and CBD modus: Minimum 315mm Maximum 610mm • High dynamic linearmotor in X, Y and Z-Axes with Multi-X drive! • […]
weitere InformationenATG A5 SA Flying Probe Tester – Autoload, used
ATG A5 S Flying Probe Tester, retrofitted to Window operatingsystem in 2023 A5 Flying Probe Test System-Autoload, Type: A5-826 Soft Touch version, 4 Probes per Side S/N 10 05 A5SA 007, Year of build: 24/06/2010 Basic device with autoload system, 8 test probes (4 top, 4 bottom), 4 cameras 2 top 2 bottom Repeatability: t 10 μm/ :t 0.4 mil Soft-touch probes 5 to 15 g/ leave no trace More Information will follow soon We will be pleased to inform you about prices, delivery and installation. Please contact us by E-Mail: olemotz(at)pcb-olitec.de Gerne geben wir Ihnen […]
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